August 10, 2021

Database Update Completed

Despite my expectation included at the end of my previous database update notification, many of us are still in the midst of lasting anxiety caused by the COVID19 pandemic, I guess. To be honest, I did not imagine that it would last so long.

In this update, the database has adopted Ensembl release 104 and Ensembl Genome release 51. The subset of the database derived from NCBI has also been updated.

In total, 39 species based on recently released genome sequences have been newly covered, which are marked with '*' in the Species page.  

I mostly enjoy adding new species to this page (based largely on manual steps) and memorizing their names, while it can be a pain if I have little time for the work. The species that attracted me the most in the today's work was this species - superb fairywren (ルリオーストラリアムシクイ), which lives in Eastern Australia and is famous for sexual dimorphism.

Because of my new appointment at National Institute of Genetics in Mishima, I need to make some decisions about the continuation of this and other web servers. Still, nothing will change for an upcoming year, I believe.

Shigehiro Kuraku

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